
Cruz Roja opinion about Refugees

REFUGEES we´re going to explain siria´s situation: The ongoing conflict and violence in Syria, Iraq and other parts of the world are causing large-scale displacement of people and refugees seek security in other countries. Since the beginning of the migratory crisis in Europe, the Spanish Red Cross has advocated for the reception of these people in our country and for the establishment of safe ways to exercise the right to asylum. Our entire network of provincial offices has made a great effort to expand the number of places available. We currently have 1,705 temporary shelters in 39 provinces. Being our occupation percentage of more than 95%, we continue working to expand our network to 1,756 places. From 2015 to the present - with the different immigration and asylum programs - we have assisted 23,642 asylum and refuge applicants. The most common nationalities are Syrian, Ukrainian, Venezuelan and Palestinian. Of the total number of people served, 26% are minors and more...

Refugees in Spain


Lesson Plan

  REFUGEES In this part we´re going to make a Lesson Plan.  First we´re going to explain you the refugee crisis. In Spain; Refugess are not very well treated, people despise them because they are not from our country, they reject them and in many cases they are not allowed to integrate into our society. the refugees are strange people who come to take away our work or to take over our areas (this is thought by some people) every day we struggle to integrate these people and not leave them  because at any time we may have the need to leave Spain to look for work and we would not like to be rejected by the simple fact of not being from that country . in your case we do not know how we face the refugees but we are interested in knowing, we are impatient to see their work to answer our question. the refugees enter our country like this. There are a series of barriers that prevent their passage to our country. there are some people ...


  VIDEO QUESTIONS 1. What message is implied in the “Go-home” campaign? It is implied a full message of hate and racism use it for white people to not-white people. 2. Who is the campaign aimed at? Some local people who are not agree with foreign people and Neo-Nazi, National Front. 3. What attitude does the campaign express towards all immigrants, whether legal or illegal? By our point of view It is an attitude of  disdain. People only see the physical differences they don’t care about their documents. 4. How are the illegal immigrants named and referred to? They are named as “handcuffs” and It is referred to report people. 5. How are the immigrants described? What qualities or characteristics are attributed to them? Immigrants are described as people who have came from Asia and Africa 6. What is the political motivation behind such a campaign (i.e., to win votes)? The UK Independence Party. 7. The reporter uses the term “racial profiling”. Wha...

We are going to share you a pretty little sightseeing.

We are to going to the Burgos center to show you the pretty beautiful monuments of Burgos. The first we are going to talk is Santa Maria´s Arc. It was built between XIV-XV century. It is the way to the main street, where is The Cathedral. The second we are going to talk is The Cathedral. This is one of the most prestigious monuments of Spain. It has got a gothic style, the beginning of the built was in XIII century.

The relationship between university of Burgos and Europe

In our University, the influence of Europe is high. For example, The Iccram (International Center for Research on Critical Raw Materials and Advanced Industrial Technologies) of the University of Burgos was awarded as a reference in the European Alliance of Innovation in Critical Raw Materials, achieving presence and coordination in four new action groups. The city of Burgos stands as an international benchmark when it celebrates the planned assembly of AEGEE (Association des Etats Généraux des Etudiants de l'Europe), a voluntary non-profit organization that operates independently of any political party. During the meeting the relations between Europe and Russia will be discussed. In addition there will be conferences, workshops on information technologies and promote the practices in institutions or postgraduate studies with the purpose of facilitating their incorporation into the labor market. So the importance of our University in the rest of Europe is very important. ...

The relation between Burgos and the University of Burgos

Our University is in Burgos, it is situated at the outside, we´re studying Pedagogy so we´re in the Education University , there are 5 kinds of universities depends on the career you would to study. We´re going to talk about Education university, the rooms are big with lots of tables and chairs . we´ve got prety good teachers, nowadays  we´ve got a lot of knowledge about the subjects.